Paradise Seeds was founded in 1994. Around that time, in Amsterdam, many coffeeshops started to sell imported hash from India, Afghanistan or Morocco and weed from Thailand, Colombia, Mexico or Malawi. Most of this was of poor quality. But things were changing, new types were introduced from the U.S that were early crossbreeds of higher quality. This is when we got involved in the early research for better quality strains.

Our aim was to create better cannabis, with a sweet / spicy taste and stronger effect, for our own use. Due to early pioneers such as ourselves, Dutch cannabis became the best in the world and growing got much more popular.

The demand increased and what started as research and experiments for personal knowledge became “Paradise Seeds”, a reputable seed bank, for growers that demand only genuine and finest quality cannabis seeds.

Our cannabis seeds are organically produced and contain all the necessary trace elements for a good start. We work with strict criteria regarding the pollination of our plants. Pollen filters are used in all our grow rooms. So no stray pollen from other male plants can find their way into our select stock. After the production of seeds, we select only the best seeds by hand, and leave out the premature and non-fertile ones. We then test these seeds on viability and germination. This way we can guarantee you will always get fresh, living seeds that are sure to grow top-quality plants.

Paradise Seeds guarantees a 95% germination rate, if the growing conditions are right.